Two tips for business owners who are having their commercial premises renovated

If you own a commercial property and want to have it renovated, here are two tips that you may find helpful.

Have the walls painted before you replace the flooring

Even if your commercial painter has a reputation for being extremely neat and tidy, it is still best to arrange for them to do their work before you replace the flooring.

There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the products that are used to prep and paint a wall (such as, for example, sugar soap, which is used to remove wall stains, as well as paint strippers, white spirits, primer and paint) all tend to emit very pungent fumes.

If you have chosen to use carpet or any type of porous material for your new floor, there is a risk that the flooring will absorb some of these fumes. It could be difficult, if not impossible, to remove the smell of these fumes from your new flooring. This odour may be so overwhelming that it affects your employees' ability to concentrate and deters customers or clients from visiting your premises.

Secondly, the ladders that commercial painters use to access and paint the higher sections of the walls are usually very heavy.

If you lay new flooring which is made from soft, pliable materials (such as linoleum or carpet) before the painter begins their work, the ladder's feet pressing downwards into the floor could leave permanent indentations in it.

In this situation, you would probably need to strategically position your furniture in order to hide these indentations. This could potentially have a negative impact on the overall appearance of the room.

Don't rush the renovation process

Temporarily closing your business in order to have your premises renovated will, of course, result in a short-term profit-loss.

As such, you will probably find yourself feeling very eager to get the renovation work over and done with quickly so that you can reopen up your enterprise as soon as possible.

Whilst this is understandable, it is important not to try to rush the renovation process. The reason for this is as follows; if you try to get your contractor to complete, for example, two weeks' worth of work in one week, they may struggle to do a thorough job, simply because they have not been given enough time to do the work to their usual high standard. This could result in you being unhappy with the end results of the renovation project.

For example, if you insist that your contractor re-plaster four large rooms in just two days, they may end up making mistakes because they are in such a hurry. This could result in the finished walls being unevenly-plastered, with lumps or cracks along their surfaces.

In this situation, you may find yourself having to arrange and pay for the plasterer to come back at a later date and re-plaster the walls a second time.

It would be far more economical to simply keep your business shut for a few extra days whilst it is renovated so that the tradespeople you have hired will have the time they need to do their work properly.

About Me

Building a Better Home

If you have recently bought a new property and you do not quite like the size or condition of the place, all is not lost. Buying a house which needs some work doing to it can really help to unlock additional value. However, if you don't know what you are doing, it can be very difficult. My name is Rob and last year, I called in some construction contractors to carry out some work on my home. They demolished an old wall and rebuilt it and also fitted a new electrical system. I am super impressed with the results so I decided to start writing this.


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